Leadership in strategic campus initiatives
Institutional Research takes a leadership role in work that requires campus level organization and prioritization. Our understanding of MU’s institutional data, knowledge of how these data are interconnected across different systems (e.g., student, HR, research, financial, etc.) and strong working relationships with colleagues enables us to respond effectively and efficiently on behalf of the campus as well as other constituencies. These efforts include strategic planning and in particular, metrics and indicator development, peer comparative studies and analyses that inform policy. In addition, Institutional Research helps guide institution-wide initiatives tied to salary analysis, scholarly productivity and major ad hoc requests from accrediting agencies, the UM System, and the Missouri Department of Higher Education.
Data gathering, analysis, and consultation
Institutional Research facilitates data-informed decision-making through coordinating large-scale institutional surveys, conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis, and producing effective reports and visualizations. We bring an extensive knowledge of best practices, trends in higher education, and local and historical context.
External Reporting
Our expertise and resources play an integral part in MU’s required federal and state reporting and regional and professional accreditation efforts. In addition to compliance reporting, we are responsible for campus level data and information requests—including those for college guide and ranking publications—as well as participating in data exchanges and consortia.